The concept of no is a concept that often confronts life.
Losing is seen by some people as irresistible, while by others it is seen as
maturing. Here, the people who are able to mature and lose interest in losing
are brought up in the limits of their childhood, and as a child they do not
want anything. Being able to find reasonable solutions to 'no' starts in
childhood in order to become an individual who can produce stronger solutions
in the future.
Why Telling No Is
The rejected child questions why the request is rejected and
strives to draw a more reasonable frame of what he wants. In this process,
problem-solving skills develop. As parents, it is necessary to reject the child
in a harsh manner and refuse it by interacting and expressing that he
understands it by not ignoring it and ignoring it but can not do what it wants.
It is necessary to make a reasonable explanation of what you did to him without
breaking it shortly. We should not be inclined to say yes arbitrarily for a
little crying or at different times and we must be consistent and systematic in
the issues which we told no.